Prop 218 - Stormwater Fee
Quick Facts about the Prop 218 Proposed Rate Increases
- Board Approval to Initiate Proposition 218: September 9, 2022
- Proposition 218 Protest Forms Mailed: September 16, 2022
- Proposition 218 Protest Hearing Date: November 18, 2022
- Board Approval to Proceed with Proposition 218: November 18, 2022
- Proposition 218 Notices and Ballot Mailed: January 24, 2023
- Proposition 218 Hearing Date: March 10, 2023
March 10, 2023, Public Hearing on Proposed Prop 218 Stormwater Fee
Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Stormwater Service Fee To: Landowners within the Boundaries of Reclamation District No. 1000
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing on a proposed RD 1000 Stormwater Service Fee will be held on March 10 at 8 a.m. at the District Offices, located at 1633 Garden Highway, Sacramento, California, pursuant to Proposition 218. The proposed fee would fund maintenance, operation, and upgrading of the District’s interior drainage systems. At the public hearing, the agency shall consider all objections or protests, if any, to the proposed fee. Ballots have been mailed to all affected property owners, and must be returned before the close of the Public Hearing to be counted. If a majority of returned ballots are cast in favor of the proposed fee, the District may consider levying the proposed fee. For more information on the proposed Stormwater Service Fee, including details on the calculation of the fee and ballot tabulation, please visit
Proposition 218, which was adopted by the voters in November 1996, added Article XIIID to the State Constitution and governs the process for property-related fee increases. Proposition 218 gives taxpayers the right to vote on all local taxes and requires taxpayer approval of property-related assessments and fees, including fees for RD1000 services. Under Section 6 of Article XIIID, a notice must be sent to all property owners and customers at least 45 days before a public hearing is held to consider proposed rate increases. If no majority protest exists, the proposed rates could be considered for adoption.
November 18, 2022
On November 18, 2022, the Board of Trustees held the Proposition 218 Protest Hearing in a virtual format as part of their regularly scheduled board meeting (view meeting information here). The protest official, Rebecca Smith of Downey Brand, District Counsel for Reclamation District 1000, was in attendance with support staff from RD1000, including General Manager, Kevin King. The hearing was hosted via GoToMeeting, with seven board members, Trustees, Elena Lee Reeder, Nick Avdis, Chris Burns, Jag Bains, Thom Gilbert, Tom Barandas, and Tom Smith, also in attendance virtually until the close of the hearing.
After the close of the hearing, Counsel Smith and General Manager King performed a prima facie count of all protest forms received. Counsel Smith then reported to the Board that a total of 2,961 apparent protests were received. She recommended that the Board consider all apparent protests valid but insufficient. The lowest threshold required for full validation of all protests was 16,409.
As a result, the Board of Directors voted 6-0 to adopt Resolution 2022-11-02 Tabulating Results of Protest Proceeding for Proposed Stormwater Service Fee as approved.